Artist Name: John Mayer
Genre: Star 98.7 lite
Band Members: all we need is John Mayer to croon and play for us
Discography: Room For Squares (2001)
Review: Dave Matthew's Band like. Room for Squares is good all the way through, minus "Neon."
Favorite Song: "Your Body is a Wonderland", "Comfortable"
Favorite Lyrics: "I won't let your head fall without my hand behind it." "I loved you. Grey sweat pants, no makeup, so perfect. Our love was comfortable and so broken in."
Why We Love Him: His lyrics are absolutely swoonworthy. He plays acoustic guitar and isn't too bad on the eyes.
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Artist Name: Something Corporate
Genre: "Piano Rock"
Band Members: Andrew McMahon (vocals, piano), William Tell (guitar), Brian Ireland (drums), Clutch (bass), Josh Partington (guitar)
Discography: Leaving Through the Window (2002), Audioboxer (2001), Ready Break (2000)
Review: Not quite punk, not quite rock, but always entertaining. With play on KROQ and mentions in teen mags "YM" and "Seventeen",
these surfers (hence the exclusion from the punk category) from OC are destined for MTV over-rotation.
Favorite Song: "Konstantine"
Favorite Lyrics: "If you could be my punk rock princess, I could be your garage band king."
Why We Love Them: Or rather why Christina loves them (seeing as how they were performing free at Karen's school and
she was like "SoCo who?"): With a song titled "Babies of the 80's"... how can we not?
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Artist Name: Jack Johnson
Genre: Smooth rock
Band Members: Jack Johnson (singer/guitarist/writer extraordinaire)
Discography: Brushfire Fairytales (2000), Round One (1998)
Review: Real smooth guitar with fun lyrics (we like "Bubbletoes" even with the reference to feet *shudder*).
Favorite Song: "Flake"
Favorite Lyrics: "Well I'm a superficial, systematic, music television addict / Check out my outsides there ain't nothing in "
Why We Love Him: He's a surfer who can sing. What's not to love?
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Artist Name: A New Found Glory
Genre: Pop Punk
Band Members: Jordan Pundik (vocals), Chad Gilbert (guitar), Cyrus Bolooki (drums), Ian Grushka (bass), Steve Klein (guitar)
Discography: Sticks and Stones (2002), New Found Glory (2000), From the Screen to Your Stero (2000), Nothing Gold Can Stay (1999), It's All About the Girls (1998)
Review: Music for Blink-lovers. Lead singer Jordan has a distinctive voice and you seldom have to press "skip"
Favorite Song: "Broken Sound"
Favorite Lyrics: "Some girls are crazy / you've gotta watch out for the beautiful ones / they'll twist your head right off your neck / and laugh about it with their friends"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because they perform well live, cover songs from movies like "Goonies" and Chad is a cutie ("And it's fun, and it's fun, heh heh heh")
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Artist Name: The Starting Line
Genre: Pop Punk
Band Members: Ken Vasoli (vocals, bass), Mike Golla (guitar), Matt Watts (guitar), Tom Gryskiewicz (drums)
Discography: Say It Like You Mean It (2002), With Hopes of Starting Over (2001)
Review: If you were trying to find the punk band that looks most like a boy band, you'd have TSL. Their catchy songs have been
selling out concerts (albeit church basements and all-ages venues) coast to coast.
Favorite Song: "Cheek to Cheek", "Saddest Girl Song"
Favorite Lyrics: "Make a list / Top ten regrets / Most foolish things said / This is one time I let you go"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because they took a J-Ho song ("I'm Real") and turned it into music. |
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Artist Name: The Lyndsay Diaries
Genre: Heartfelt emo
Band Members: Scott Windsor(vocal, guitar)
Discography: Tops of Trees are on Fire (2002), Remember the Memories (2001)
Review: Melancholy music. Sounds like pre-sell-out Dashboard with less nasal singing.
Favorite Song: "Whispers of a Long Goodnight", "Where the Sidewalk Ends"
Favorite Lyrics: "I make a wish on a prayer / as a tear falls down the well / I never hear the fall / It's as if the wish was too tall."
Why Christina Loves Them: Lyndsay Diaries started as a benefit concert for a best friend and continues on with its sharp lyrics and sad melodies.
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Artist Name: Yellowcard
Genre: Emo Punk with a violin!
Band Members: Ryan Key (vocals, guitar), Sean Mackin (vocals, violin), Ben Harper (guitar), L.P (drums), Pete Moseley (bass)
Discography: Underdog (2002), One For the Kids(2001)
Review: Punk with the classical edge of a violin. Chills up my spine the minute Sean starts playing...
Favorite Song: "Rough Draft"
Favorite Lyrics: "Breathing in your skin tonight / quiet is my loudest cry / wouldn't want to wake the eyes that make me melt
inside / and if it's healthier to leave you be / may a sickness come and set me free / kill me while I still believe that you were meant for me"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because Sean Mackin is such the hotness and they use a violin and somersault off stereo speakers.
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Artist Name: BBMak
Genre: Swoonworthy Pop, yet they play their own instruments
Band Members: Mark Barry (Vocals), Ste McNally (guitar), Christan Burns (guitar)
Discography: Out of My Heart (2002), Sooner of Later (2000)
Review: Bubblegum pop without the choreographed dancing
Favorite Song: "Ghost of You and Me"
Favorite Lyrics: "you wanna run you wanna break free / but what you want ain't what you need"
Why We Included Them: Because we watched Hoku in a muumuu sing with Tim "I'm scared" James and almost got trampled by Big Pun in the scorching heat to see them perform.
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Artist Name: The New Amsterdams
Genre: Naked Pop Emo
Band Members: Matthew Pryor (vocals, guitar), Jake Cardwell (drums), Ropert Pope (bass), Alex Brahl(guitar)
Discography: Para Toda Vida (2002), Never You Mind (2000)
Review: Get Up Kids' Pryor's side project, brimming with rawness, "relaxed melodies and downbeat arrangements" (Vagrant Records).
Favorite Song: "Every Double Life"
Favorite Lyrics: "I admit I regret that I'm meeting you / I'm depressed you're the mess that I've looked up to / I retract every word that I say /
and I swear that I'll never treat others that way"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because you can't be upbeat all the time.
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Artist Name: Audio Karate
Genre: Pop Punk
Band Members: Art Barrios, Gabriel Camacho, Jason Camacho (guitar), Justo Gonzalez
Discography: Space Camp (2002)
Review: More poppy punk
Favorite Song: "One Day"
Favorite Lyrics: "So please wake up the dream is over mindless wondering makes you sleep /
I'm sorry you were misinformed but welcome to reality /
Somewhere someone made you think that somewhere somehow dreams come true /
Childhood stories teachers parents brought your hopes up sad but true /
And it wasn't ever gonna go out right when its nothing but foolish lies"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because I can listen to their album forever and their website is pretty cool.
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Artist Name: Box Car Racer
Genre: Punk
Band Members: Tom deLonge (vocals, guitar), Travis Barker (drums), David Kennedy (guitar), Anthony Celestino (bass)
Discography: Box Car Racer (2002)
Review: Tom and Travis from Blink's side project. Sounds like "Adam's Song" and "Stay Together for the Kids"
Favorite Song: "There Is"
Favorite Lyrics: "Tiny Voices / Make things harder / Everybody will be let down, / Everybody will be let down"
because it's so reminiscent of Freddie Prinze Jr's "hack-y-sack" performance in "She's All That"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because the songs have meaningful lyrics and a harder edge.
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Artist Name: Feeling Left Out
Genre: Emo
Band Members: Joe (guitar, vocals), Bill (guitar)
Discography: Running on Empty (2001), Mr. Everything I'm Not (2001)
Review: Sad songs about heartbreak. Have your tissues ready.
Favorite Song: "Goodbye My Friend"
Favorite Lyrics: "Gravy fries and dirty lollipops / I love the way that sounds"
Why Christina Loves Them: Because they add sound bytes from movies and have a song called "Rocky Dennis."
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Artist Name: Coldplay
Genre: Pop Rock
Band Members: Chris Martin (vocals, guitar, piano), Guy Berryman (bass), Jonny Buckland (lead guitar), Will Champion (drums)
Discography: A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002), Parachutes (2000), The Blue Room (1999)
Review: Catchy tunes, deep lyrics, hot guys... it's no wonder their concerts sell out in a matter of minutes. Their music is truly inspiring (as evidenced from the
hours we spent coming up with a storyboard for "The Scientist").
Favorite Song: "The Scientist", "Warning Sign"
Favorite Lyrics: "Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry / You don't know how lovely you are / I had to find you / Tell you I need you / Tell you I set you apart"
Why We Love Them: How can we not love a band whose breakthrough hit was called "Yellow"? Especially when frontman Chris Martin is so hot and so British...
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